Shady Mechanic Tries To Rip Off Elderly Grandma Until She Uses This….
There's no reason why every car owner shouldn't have one...
Have you ever gone to an auto repair shop for an oil change, only to have the mechanic say you need a new transmission? Or has the mysterious "check engine" light come on, and next thing you know the mechanic has a list of expensive engine parts that need replacing?
That’s exactly what happened when Isabelle, a 64 year old woman from California decided to take her Toyota Corolla in for a regular oil change. She went to her mechanic of 10 years who she always believed to be honest and trustworthy.
But when she took it in, her mechanic claimed that she also needed her transmission fluid changed (which would cost an extra $100). That’s when she revealed her secret…
Isabelle had been given a Fixd device by her son only a month earlier. Fixd is the first easy-to-use car health maintenance monitor. Fixd works on any car made after 1996, all you have to do is plug it into the port under the steering wheel and download the app on your smartphone. She pulled out her phone and showed the mechanic proof that what he was saying was a load of bull. Of course, he didn’t take too kindly to that and claimed that the device must be mistaken. That’s when she told him to give her back her car as she’d bring it to another mechanic for a second opinion. Sure enough, when she took her car to a different mechanic he told her that the transmission fluid was fine. Her previous mechanic had been ripping her off for years and getting away with it!
“I couldn’t believe it, I really trusted him and thought that he was looking out for my best interests… I guess I was naïve” says Isabelle. Now she recommends all her friends and family purchase a Fixd device for their cars.
But now there's finally a way to help you avoid getting scammed by shady mechanics!
What is it?

It's called FIXD. It is the first easy-to-use car health maintenance monitor.
Two engineers based out of Atlanta, GA were tired of seeing their friends and family get taken advantage of at auto shops, so they decided to do something about it. They created this new affordable device that plugs into your car's OBD (on-board diagnostics) port – the very same port that mechanics use to figure out what's wrong with your car.
EVERY car built in 1996 or later is required to have this port.
This new device will instantly diagnose your car's problems for you and translate them into simple, easy-to-understand terms – and much more! Meaning, the next time a mechanic is trying to pull one over on you, you can call them on it!
BEST PART: When that "Check Engine Light" comes on, FIXD tells you exactly what's causing it in a way anyone can understand. No more looking up codes or taking it to the dreaded auto shop only to be given a list of unnecessary repairs – never again!
You can also turn off the check engine light right from the FIXD App if the problem is not serious or if you want to see if it will reoccur. How cool is that?!
Sounds Great, But How Much Does it Cost?
With all the benefits FIXD provides, you'd think it would cost a few hundred dollars, right? That's what makes this company so great. The founders of FIXD made it incredibly affordable so they can help as many people as possible avoid getting scammed by mechanics, while also staying on top of their car's health.
It retails for only $59 and you can purchase it on their official website here.
Don't wait till it's too late! A small investment of a little more than that cost of an oil change can keep your car running smoothly and out of shady auto shops.
As a special introductory sale, the company is now offering an incredible "Buy 2 – Get 1 FREE" deal to all new customers.
Take advantage and get FIXD for only $39.34/ea instead of $59.00/ea!